Jun, 24 2020

Featured Ambassador: John Lee

John Lee

I am a Senior Program Manager in Dallas, Texas for a large yachting-related company that connects employers with potential employees. I'm in charge of design and development of a new hiring and management platform. My ...

Jun, 24 2020

Size and Strength Training Program

Anthony Tedesco

Size & Strength Training Program    Peri-Workout Supplement Stack (These recommendations are based on a 200-lb male...feel free to adjust accordingly to your specific goals and needs): 20-30 Minutes Pre-Workout: 1 ...

Jun, 09 2020

Immune System, Health and Quarantine

Adam Azawi

Make sure your immune system is ready to mount a strong defense and keep you from getting sick. “The best strategy at this point is two-fold: both prevention of infection and strengthening the immune system. Here ...

Jun, 01 2020

Featured Ambassador: Sarah Varno

Sarah Varno

As a personal trainer, I truly believe in investing in products that are healthy for me and my clients! I have owned my own personal training studio for the past 10 years and enjoy helping ...

May, 28 2020

Caribbean Cooler Smoothie Recipe

Jennifer Sheridan

1 Scoop Syntrax Caribbean Cooler Protein Powder8oz.Cold Water1/2 Frozen Banana2 Frozen Strawberries1/4 Cup Frozen Pineapple Mix all ingredients in a blender. Pour into a decorative glass and garnish with fruit or umbrella as desired. Enjoy! ...

May, 20 2020

Chocolate Protein Flan

Maisa Rodriguez


May, 11 2020

The Importance of Taking BCAA's

Adam Azawi

BCAA's are essential for you as they prevent muscle wasting and give you energy while you are cutting down; this helps to keep your muscle tone so that all your hard work isn’t ...

May, 08 2020

Fitness Misconnects and Mistakes

Adam Azawi

Throughout the years of my fitness journey, I have learned from so many mistakes and misconnects. Today, I want to share these mistakes to educate everyone: Exercise turns fat into muscle: Wrong! Exercise cannot ...

May, 07 2020

Work Around and Heal Your Physical Injury

Adam Azawi

Today I would like to share my personal experience during physique injury and how I was able to train during pain and how I 80% healed the injury without the need to perform a surgery! ...

May, 05 2020

Watermelon Margaritas

Danielle Dooley

Ingredients: 1 scoop Syntrax Matrix Juicy Watermelon BCAA1 scoop Syntrax SuperGlu Ultra-Pure Glutamine 1 ½ cups frozen watermelon cubed2 oz. freshly squeezed lime juice3 oz. silver ...
