As a trainer, I have been asked many times over the years how to build better/bigger glutes. Most commonly, those who ask are squatting religiously with little result. With summer and bathing suit season coming, I decided to take a moment and give you three of my favorite exercises (in no particular order) that can really boost your glute training results. I selected one cable, one kettlebell, and one barbell movement so you have a variety to choose from, depending on your personal equipment and/or gym situation.

1.Rope Cable Pull-Through - Grab the rope attachment in between your legs and face away from the weight stack. Now walk forward until the cable is taught. Bend your knees and stick out your glutes, keeping a straight line from your shoulders to hips. Be sure to keep your core tight throughout. Drive your hips up and forward, straightening your legs as you do so. Pause at full leg extension and squeeze your glutes tightly. Hold this briefly then return to the starting position and repeat.

2.Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift - Straddle the kettlebell with your feet slightly further apart than shoulder width. Squat down with your arms extended downward between your legs and grasp the kettlebell handle with both hands using an overhand grip. Position your shoulders over the kettlebell with your core engaged and torso nearly upright. Pull the kettlebell up off of the floor by extending your hips/knees while continuing to keep your torso nearly upright with your chest high. Now lower the kettlebell to the ground between your legs while squatting down (maintaining your core/torso position throughout).

3.Single-Leg Step Up - Stand facing the side of a bench and position a bar on the back of your shoulders and hold it in place as you would for a barbell squat or lunge. Place the foot of the first leg on the bench and stand on it by extending your hip and knee of the first leg while placing the foot of your second leg on the bench as well. Step down with your second leg by flexing your hip and knee of first leg. Return to original standing position by placing foot of first leg to floor and repeat the first step with the opposite leg, alternating with each rep.


Written by

Anthony Tedesco

Anthony "Antabolic" Tedesco, BEXSc, CPT
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